Chartwell, the historic family home of Sir Winston Churchill which “rests-easy” deep in the Kent countryside, is a pure delight and a source of inspiration.
Various treasures and personal effects can be discovered in the house and in Churchill’s art studio located in the grounds.
My personal favourite item is the massive globe which acts as a reminder that this world is not a small place, despite all the geo-shrinking communications technology at our fingertips which might deceive us into thinking otherwise.

The gardens are lovely and strolling through them brings a sense of order, serenity and calm.
For the history-lover, there are many fascinating objects which help illuminate and tell the story of Churchill’s leadership at a time of national crisis.
Standing in Chartwell’s living room, one can imagine an atmosphere of friendship, camaraderie and goodwill between Churchill and his guests as the discussion of world affairs is paused for the enjoyment of afternoon tea.